Role Required: SDAdmin
To access general scan settings, go to Admin > Discovery > Scan Settings > General.
Configure Invalid Service Tags
If the service tags are incorrectly configured by the OEM, different machines may have the same service tag and one workstation's details would overwrite the other's. To avoid this, add service tags to the Invalid Service Tag list so that workstations with the same service tag are ignored.
To add invalid service tags, click Add New, enter the service tag you want, and click Add.
Scan software in Solaris, and AIX machines
Enable/disable scanning software in Solaris, and AIX machines. By default, this option is disabled.
Disable Pinging
By default, machines can be pinged despite background processes. Disable pinging during scans, remote control sessions, and Active Directory user import.
Add Unknown Assets
Enable or disable the addition of unidentified assets detected during scans into the inventory.
Delete/Dispose Workstations and Servers
Delete or change workstations and servers to a disposed state if they haven't been scanned within a specified timeframe.
SysName over DNSname
Enables the prioritization of sysName over DNSName when selecting the deviceName for a node during SNMP scans.
Schedule based Software Compliance Calculation
Enable this option to ensure the scheduled calculation of software compliance at user-defined intervals. If this option remains disabled, software compliance will be calculated simultaneously with the scan process.
During scheduled calculations, scans will not be conducted.
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