CMDB List View

CMDB List View

The list view is a tabular, compact view that lists the various CIs under various columns.
  1. Go to the CMDB tab.
  2. Select All CIs to view the list of all CIs in the application.
  3. To view the list of CIs based on their type, select the CI type from the left pane.
In CMDB list view you can perform the following operations:

View CIs - Click any CI type from the left pane to add, view and manage the CIs under it.

Search through CIs - You can perform a column search to quickly fetch a CI's details.
  1. Click on the far right of the table header.
  2. Enter the search term in the relevant column criteria.
  3. Click Go.

Use global search to access any CI details from anywhere in the application.

Choose columns to be displayed - Click to customize the details displayed on the list view.

Add New CI - In the list view of each CI type, you can add CIs.

Bulk Actions - In the list view of each CI type, you can select multiple devices and click Actions to perform any of the following operations:
  1. Modify the product type, CI type or asset state
  2. Configure depreciation for CIs
  3. Group related CIs
  4. Assign CI to site or department
  5. Merge CIs
  6. Exclude CI from scan, or change the CI's scan credentials
  7. Change workstation/virtual devices as server
  8. Auto-assign workstations to users
  9. Troubleshoot unaudited workstations
  10. Delete CIs

The operations displayed under the Actions menu vary according to the selected CI type.
For CIs created from asset, actions performed on a CI will be reflected on the corresponding asset as well. 

Scan IT Assets added as CIs - Click New Scan to index all IT assets in AssetExplorer.
Apply Filters - Display CIs on the list view page based on certain parameters by clicking Filters. Depending on the asset type, you can apply the following filters:
  1. IT Assets (except workstations), Non-IT Assets, and Asset Components - Filter based on asset state, assignment/depreciation details and products.
  2. Workstations - Filter based on asset state, assignment/depreciation details, and domains.
 You can apply filters only for CIs created from the Assets module. 

Sort Assets Listed - Click a column name to sort the CIs listed based on the column value.

View Relationship Map - The relationship map provides a consolidated view of the related CIs. Click beside the relevant CI to view its relationship to other CIs.

To learn more about relationship maps, click here.
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