Vendor Services

Vendor Services

The day-to-day services that are frequently acquired for your organization from various third-party vendors can be tracked from AssetExplorer. You can extend purchase orders to buy services and contracts.

Add New Vendor Service

  1. Go to Admin > Purchase > Vendor Services.
  2. On the vendor services list page, click New.
  3. Provide the following information:
    1. Service Name: Enter the service acquired from the vendor.
    2. Service Type: Select the type of service acquired. You can also add a new service type using the  icon.
    3. GL Code: Select the GL Code for the service type.
    4. Description: Briefly describe the service and add any relevant information.
    5. Part No: Provide a part number for the service type.
  4. Click Save or Save and Add New.
Service attribute values such as GL code and Part No specified here will become the default values in a purchase order or purchase request. 

Associate Vendors with Services

You can associate vendors with the services from the list view page after saving them.
  1. On the list view page, use the icon beside the name of your preferred service.
  2. Click Associate Vendor and provide the following information:
    1. Vendor: Select a vendor from the drop-down list with whom you want to associate the service.
    2. Cost: Enter the cost for service.
    3. Tax Rate: Provide the applicable tax rate.
    4. Service Period: Configure the applicable warranty period in years and months.
    5. Support Vendor: Select a support vendor for the service.
    6. Comments: Add any additional information.
  3. Click Save or Save and Add New.
 You can also add services to vendors under Admin > Asset Management > Vendors. 

View, Edit, or Delete Vendor Services

All vendor services are listed under the Admin > Purchase > Vendor Services.
  1. Click on a service name or use the icon to expand the service and view its details.
  2. To edit a service, use the icon and select Edit.
  3. Use the icon to delete a service. You can also select multiple services using the checkboxes and use the icon.
When a service is deleted, its vendor relationships will automatically become void.
Vendor services that are associated with purchase orders will be marked as inactive on deletion. You can view inactive vendor services using the filter drop-down on the top-left.

Edit or Delete Services-Vendor Association

You can edit or delete the association between services and vendors from the list view page.
  1. Use the icon beside the name of the service to expand the service details.
  2. To edit a service-vendor association, click the name of the vendor or use the icon to update the details.
  3. To delete a single association, use the icon beside the vendor name.To delete service-vendor associations in bulk, select the associations and click the icon inside the expanded section.
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