Troubleshoot Mail Server Settings

Troubleshoot Mail Server Settings

Role Required: SDAdmin

To check mail server connectivity, send a sample email by entering a mail address and clicking on the Send a sample mail button in the outgoing tab.

If the settings are configured right and the connection is successful, a sample mail will be sent to the given email address. If not, an error message will be displayed on the screen.

Common exceptions that occur in AssetExplorer while sending mails can be categorized as follows:

Incorrect username or password 

  1. Verify if the configured username and password are correct.
  2. Check your mail server configurations (protocol, TLS, port).
  3. Configure the account using a third-party mail client and send a sample email to the same account. If the credentials are correct, you will be taken to the welcome page. If not, the alert prompt will be displayed repeatedly.
If you are using SMTP/SMTPS, do not check your account configurations using Outlook Web Access as it works with the MAPI protocol. If you are using Exchange Web Services, open the connect URL in an incognito window.

Unable to reach host

  1. Check if the configured server name is correct.
  2. If the server name is correct, check if the protocol configurations are correct. If you are using Exchange Web Services, ensure the connect URL is correct. To find your Exchange Server URL, go to this link.
  3. If you are using SMTP/SMTPS, the software/hardware firewall might be blocking the SMTP/SMTPS port. If this is the case, unblock the port or try EWS (Exchange Web Services).

Unable to connect to the mail server. Check Connect URL and try again. 

The connect URL for EWS might be incorrect. Correct the connect URL. To know the EWS URL for your Exchange Server, go to the link below:


Unknown error occurred  

If you are using SMTP/SMTPS, check if you are allowed to send mail to the entered address. To relay outside your Mail server domain, you will need permission. Contact your IT Administrator on this.
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