Scan CI

Scan CI

You can scan a CI to add/update its data to the central repository.

Scan Individual Assets

  1. In the Assets tab, select your preferred asset classification - IT Assets or Virtual Hosts and VMs.
  2. Select the relevant asset type.
  3. On the asset list view, select the asset to be scanned.
  4. The asset details page is displayed. Click Scan Now on the toolbar.

The scan status of the asset is displayed on the right pane.

Scan Assets in Bulk

  1. In the Assets tab, select your preferred asset classification - IT Assets or Virtual Hosts and VMs.
  2. Select the relevant asset type.
  3. On the asset list view, select your preferred assets.
  4. Go to Actions > Scan Now on the toolbar.

After the scan is complete, the status of the scan will be indicated as follows:
  1. Failed Scan - Scan failed to complete.
  2. Inactive - Indicates the agent is not reachable.
  3. Success - Scan completed successfully.
  4. Agent not installed - Agent is not installed to perform the scan.

Scan Newly Added IT Assets in your Domain/Network

  1. In the Assets tab, select IT Assets on the left pane.
  2. Select the relevant asset type.
  3. On the asset list view, click New Scan on the asset list view toolbar.
  4. Enter the device name or IP address.
  5. Select the device type.
    1. Workstation and server can be scanned only via UEM agent.
    2. For other device types, you can either scan the network or select the device credentials from the credentials library to scan only the device.
  6. Click Scan.

On scanning CIs created from assets, the corresponding assets will scanned and updated.
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