SAML Troubleshooting

SAML Troubleshooting

Role Required: SDAdmin 
Error Code
The IdP certificate file is not uploaded right.
Reconfigure IdP details.
SAML response is not received from IdP.
AssetExplorer supports only POST binding method. Ensure that the IdP follows POST binding method.
Error in validating the logout response of the IdP.
Refer errors 42, 44, 50, 4, and 36. Contact
21, 22, 23
The IdP response Status is Failure.
Reconfigure the IdP details by following the instructions given here.
The IdP response is not signed. AssetExplorer accepts only signed responses.
Configure the IdP settings for AssetExplorer to sign assertion and responses.
Unable to verify IdP signature in the SAML response.
Upload the correct IdP certificate file in the SAML configuration page of AssetExplorer.
Entity IDs in the SAML response and AssetExplorer are not the same.
Reconfigure the SP details in your IdP portal.
The destination URL in the SAML response does not match the actual URL from which the response is called.
Reconfigure the SP details in your IdP portal.
If you have configured a proxy server (say azure app proxy) to externalize the application, add proxyName="<external_url>" and proxyPort="<external_port>" attributes to the connector tag in the server.xml file.
The Issuer field is empty in the SAML response.
46, 47, 51
The SAML response will not be validated as the System Time Stamp does not match the Standard Time.
Set proper time and time zone in the application server.
The user has configured Assertion Encryption, which is not supported in AssetExplorer.
Change Assertion Encryption to Assertion Sign in the IdP, which will sign the assertion but not encrypt it.
Issuer name is missing in the SAML assertion.
Reconfigure the SP and IdP.
If the error persists, email us at with the log files.
The SAML assertion from the IdP is not for the intended user/requester.
Log in again by using SAML authentication.
No such user exists in the application or the user is not a technician.
Create a new technician manually with the login name generated by the IdP or change the requester into a technician.
User not found (during email based SAML login).
If the user does not exist in AssetExplorer, create a new user manually and configure email address.
If the user already exists in the application, configure their email address to match the login email ID in AssetExplorer.
Login is disabled for the user.
Enable login for the user.
More than one user is configured with the login email ID.
Ensure that the login email address is configured only with one user. This error is thrown if the login email ID is configured as a primary/secondary email address of another user.
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