Relationship Types

Relationship Types

Relationship Types denotes the nature of relationship between a CI and another CI. It shows how the CIs are interconnected and interdependent with other CIs. The Relationship Type is expressed twice, one as Relationship Type and then as Inverse Relationship Type.

Using relationship types, CI Type relationships can be set from Admin > CMDB > Configuration Item Types. For establishing relationship using the Relationship Types, refer Relationships under CI Types.

To access the Relationship Type configuration wizard, go to Admin > CMDB > Relationship Types. The Relationship Types List view opens, displaying the default relationship types.

Add New Relationship Type

  1. Click Add New Relationship Type.
  2. Enter the Relationship Type and the Inverse Relationship Type. Both fields are mandatory.
  3. Enter a brief description about the nature of the relationship type in the field provided.
  4. Click Save.

Edit/Delete Relationship Types

  1. Select a relationship type on the list view to edit its values.
  2. To delete a relationship type, select the checkbox beside a relationship type and click Delete.
Default relationship types cannot be edited or deleted.

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