Introduction - Distributed Asset Scan

Introduction - Distributed Asset Scan

Distributed Asset Scan is used for scanning Wide Area Networks (WAN). When organizations have multiple locations, the AssetExplorer server may not be accessible for all assets at each location. Therefore, a remote AssetExplorer server and an Endpoint Central server are set up at each site. The data collected by the Endpoint Central server is sent to the remote AssetExplorer server and then forwarded to the central server

Machines located in remote servers cannot be controlled from the central server. However, if necessary, you can reach out to the licensing team to obtain a remote license. 

It is necessary to install Endpoint Central agents on Windows, Linux, and Mac Machines connected to remote servers. If the central AssetExplorer server can reach the deployed Endpoint Central agents on remote sites, a separate Endpoint Central server installation is not needed.    

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