Install AssetExplorer

Install AssetExplorer

Support is only provided for the 64-bit installation of AssetExplorer. Learn more.

Installation in Windows 

  1. Download ManageEngine_AssetExplorer.exe setup file from here.
  2. Open the setup file.
  3. Follow the steps in the AssetExplorer installation wizard.
  4. Click Finish.
 AssetExplorer uses Endpoint Central agent <from build number 6900> for scanning Windows, Linux, and Mac machines. The agent-based scan is made mandatory. Refer this link for Endpoint Central installation details.

After installation, the ManageEngine AssetExplorer program group is created in the Start menu. Also, the AssetExplorer server will be started and the client window opens with the login page. Enter the User Name as "administrator" and Password as "administrator" to log in to the application.

To reinitialize the server,
  1. Go to <AssetExplorer>\bin directory.
  2. Execute reinitializeDB.bat to reinitialize the server.
 All the data in the server will be lost when during reinitialization.  

Installation in Linux 

  1. Download ManageEngine_AssetExplorer.bin setup for Linux from here.  
  2. Open the setup file.
  3. Follow the steps in the AssetExplorer installation wizard.
  4. Click Finish.

Installing AssetExplorer as a Linux Service:

  1. Download the assetexplorer.txt file available here.
  2. Create a file called assetexplorer under /etc/init.d/ and copy the following script in it.
  1. cp assetexplorer.txt /etc/init.d/assetexplorer
  1. Edit the file and modify the MDIR variable to the bin folder in the product directory. For example, MDIR=/home/guest/ManageEngine/AssetExplorer/bin.
    1. To edit the file, type vi assetexplorer.txt on the Vim editor.
  2. Get the Execute permission for assetexplorer startup script by using the command:
  1. chmod +x assetexplorer
  1. Create a blank file under /var/log for application login purposes by using the command:
  1. touch /var/log/assetexplorer.log
  1. To add the script as a startup process, use the command:
  1. systemctl start assetexplorer or service assetexplorer start

To reinitialize the server,
  1. Go to <AssetExplorer>/bin directory.
  2. Execute to reinitialize the server.
All the data in the server will be lost when during reinitialization. 

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