Import Users from Active Directory

Import Users from Active Directory

Role Required: SDAdmin

The integration of Active Directory (AD) with AssetExplorer enables you to import user information from the Active Directory server into AssetExplorer.

You can import users from any of the domains and their subsequent organizational units (OUs) present in the Active Directory. By default, AD users are imported using the LDAP protocol and port 389.

Click Import User(s) on the Active Directory configuration page. Use the following pointers to configure the Import from Active Directory window pop-up.

Field Name
Domain Name*
Select the domain to import users from.
If you have already provided the domain controller and login credentials for the domain in Windows Domain Scan, the Domain Controller and login details will be auto-populated on selecting the domain.
Domain Controller*
Specify the domain controller that provides access to resources in that selected domain.
Login Name*
Enter the login name of your user account in the selected domain.
Enter the password of the above user account.
Toggle LDAP SSL option on to enable secure communication between AssetExplorer and Active Directory via port 636.

Ensure your Active Directory supports SSL before enabling this field.
Select fields for import
Select the default user fields to be imported from the Active Directory. Specify the field name configured in the Active Directory beside the selected field to map them accurately.

If the user already exists in AssetExplorer, their default field values will be overwritten with the values present in AD. To avoid overwriting of values, deselect the relevant fields during import. 

If Update <empty> values option is enabled, the null value will be updated in the corresponding field in AssetExplorer. 
Additional user attributes
If you have configured user additional fields in AssetExplorer, you can select the UDF fields. Specify the field name configured in the Active Directory beside the selected field to map them.

If you have not configured any user additional fields, use the Click here to configure link. You will be redirected to User - Additional Field page where you can configure the additional fields to be imported from Active Directory. 

The numeric additional fields hold up to 19 digits. If your numeric value exceeds 19 digits, then configure the value in text field.
Move associated assets
If the site associated with the user/department is changed in the Active Directory, the assets belonging to the user/department should also be moved to the new site. To update this information on every import, select Move associated assets.
Update <empty> values
Enable this option to import and update <empty> data from the Active Directory.

For example, if a user's First Name changes from 'Technician' to '<empty>' in the Active Directory, it will be reflected in the AssetExplorer. If this option is disabled, data will not be updated, and old values will be retained.
* Mandatory fields

Click Next.

The import page displays various OUs available in that domain. Choose the specific OU from which you wish to import users by selecting the checkbox beside it.

You can also import users from the active directory groups by navigation to the Groups tab and selecting the group(s).

Click Import Now after selecting the OUs or Group. If scheduled AD import is enabled, you can import the users later by selecting Save and Import in Schedule.

If the user information in the selected OUs are imported immediately, the data on how many records were added, overwritten, or failed to import will be notified to SDAdmins via bell notification. If the import is scheduled later, the SDAdmins will be notified via bell notification after the schedule is completed.

The imported users are listed in the users list view under Admin > Organizational Details > Users.

You can perform further actions on the imported users such as editing the details or associating workstations from the users list view.

For scheduled import, the user information imported depends on the type of import schedule configured under Import Schedule. 

Domain failure during import will be notified to SDAdmins via bell notifications.

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