Extracting logs for Endpoint Central and AssetExplorer

Extracting logs for Endpoint Central and AssetExplorer

Extract Endpoint Central Log Files   

You can access the Endpoint Central server logs from the path below.
Note: <Install_Dir> refers to the directory where the Endpoint Central server is installed.

Extract Endpoint Central Log Files - Windows agent   

From the computer, where you have installed the Endpoint Central agent, perform the following operations:
  1. Go to the command prompt and navigate to the location, where Endpoint Central Agent is installed.
  2. Type, dcagenttrayicon.exe -logs and press enter.
  3. You can see that the Endpoint Central logs will be extracted and archived in the UEM_Agent folder.The file will be saved in .7z format, the file name will be 1_<system name>_ZOHOCORP.7z (Example: 1_win2000_ZOHOCORP.7z)
  4. Open the Windows Run window (using Windows key + R) and execute "%programdata%/zohomeeting/log." This will open the Zoho Meeting logs folder.
  5. Zip all the files and include the created zip file while uploading the logs.
You can upload/send this log file to the support team.

Extract Endpoint Central Log Files - Mac agent   

From the computer, where you have installed the Endpoint Central agent, perform the following operations:
  1. Go to the Terminal
  2. As shown in the image, navigate to the folder where Endpoint Central  agent is installed
  3. Type ./dcagenttrayicon logs.
  4. You can see that the Endpoint Central  logs will be extracted and archived in the UEM_Agent/ folder. The file will be saved in .zip format, the file name will be 1_<computer name>_ZOHOCORP.zip (Example: 1_MYMAC_ZOHOCORP.zip)
You can upload/send this log file to the support team.

Extracting Endpoint Central Log Files - Linux agent   

From the computer, where you have installed the Linux agent, perform the following operations:
  1. Go to the Terminal
  2. Navigate to the location where Endpoint Central  agent logs are located by using this command: cd < UEM_Agent >/logs
  3. Type sudo ./CollectLogs.sh
  4. You can see that the Endpoint Central  logs will be extracted and archived in the Endpoint_central_agent/< computer_name >_DCAgent_Logs.zip folder. The file will be saved in .zip format. You can upload/send this log file to the support team.

Extract AssetExplorer Logs 

Here is how you can send the AssetExplorer logs to our Support team
  1. Navigate to the AssetExplorer installation folder.
  2. Go to <AssetExplorer home>\logs.
  3. Compress the "logs" folder.
Send it to the support team using the following URL: bonitas2.zohocorp.com/
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