Edit/Delete Groups

Edit/Delete Groups

  1. Go to Assets and select Groups from the left pane.
  2. Click Manage Groups.
  3. Asset groups will be displayed on the list view.

Edit Groups

On the groups list view, click Edit in Actions column.

Alternatively, you can also select a group from the list view or left pane. On the group details page, click Edit Group.

In the Edit Group form,
  1. Select Edit button beside the Group block to update the group name and description.
  2. Click Save.

Based on the group type, you can edit the following:
  1. Static Group - You can select assets to be added to the group. To remove assets already present in the group, select the assets under Assets in group block and click Remove.
  2. Dynamic Group - You can add criteria using the drop-down menus or use or to edit or delete criteria. Click Save & View Group.

Delete Groups

  1. On the groups list view, click Delete in Actions column.
  2. Click OK.
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