Customize Language, Date, and Time

Customize Language, Date, and Time

Customize your display language, time and date formats. Click the profile icon and select Personalize.
  1. Select Language: Select a default display language for the application from the drop-down. You can also select the locale where the language is commonly used from the country dropdown. For languages like Arabic and Hebrew, the Right to Left UI orientation will be applied. This helps in catering to the language requirements of these languages in the application's UI and Rich Field editors.
  2. Both Right to Left and Left to Right language orientation can be accommodated in a single description box.
  3. Select Time Zone: Select the time zone according to which your organization operates.
  4. Set Date/Time Format: Select the format in which you would prefer to view date and time. This format will be applied wherever date/time is considered in the application.

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