Create Loan

Create Loan

  1. In the Assets tab, go to Asset Loan section on the left pane.
  2. Select Loan Registry and click New Loan.
  3. Select the assets to be loaned by using one of the options below. Details of selected assets will be displayed on the right pane.
    1. Scan asset's barcode(s) - Scan the barcodes of assets to be loaned.
    2. Search asset(s) by name - If the asset already exists in AssetExplorer, you can select the assets from the drop-down.
  4. Specify the loan period.
  5. Choose the user to whom the asset is temporarily allocated.
  6. Add any relevant information about the loan as comments, if needed.
  7. Click Check-Out.
 You cannot loan assets in To Be Returned status. 

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