Contract - Additional Fields

Contract - Additional Fields

Additional fields are used to capture extra information related to contracts. Based on your requirements, the default add contract form can be customized to include different types of additional fields.

To configure additional fields, go to Admin > Contracts > Contract-Additional Fields. You can add 3 types of fields under the relevant tabs - Text, Numeric, Date/Time.

Provide details such as Label Name, Description etc. Add customization, if necessary.
Field Type
Customizations Available
A simple, short phrase.
Set default value
To describe an issue or to add comments.
Set default value
Pick list
A list of items.
Add items and set default value
For numbers.
To specify time and date in a defined format such as May 1, 2019.
Click Save.

To delete the additional fields, clear the label names from the contract additional fields configuration page and click Save.
The additional fields appear under Additional Contract Details section in the Add Contract form.  
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