Connecting AssetExplorer in Secure LDAPS Mode

Connecting AssetExplorer in Secure LDAPS Mode

Role Required: SDAdmin

A self-signed certificate must be imported to connect LDAPS in secured mode.

Steps to Generate the LDAPS Certificate:

  1. Click the corresponding link below to download the zip file.
    1. For Windows
    2. For Linux
  2. Extract the file to ManageEngine\AssetExplorer.
  3. Open command prompt and go to ManageEngine\AssetExplorer.
  4. Run the batch file with the following format:
    1. For Windows:
  1. C:>ManageEngine\AssetExplorer>gencert.bat <server name>:<port number>
    1. For Linux:
  1. ManageEngine\AssetExplorer> <server name>:<port number>
  1. On running the command, a PKIX exception is thrown and you will be asked to enter a value. Enter 1, and a file named jssecacerts will be generated. This file will be saved in ManageEngine\AssetExplorer.
  2. Copy the file to ManageEngine\AssetExplorer\jre\lib\security and restart the application.
  3. Save LDAPs configuration once again.
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