Auto Update

Auto Update

Auto Update periodically checks for and applies patch updates in a single click from the application UI. This ensures that the application is always up-to-date without the user having to check for any patch updates manually.
Currently, only security patches are auto-updated.   Auto Update does not support Linux and High Availability (HA) setups. 

Role Required: SDAdmins


To use the Auto Update feature, accept the license agreement shown while upgrading.

If the auto update URL ( is not reachable, security patch updates cannot be fetched automatically. To establish a connection with the auto update URL,
  1. Check your network connection.
  2. Allowlist the URL in firewall settings.
  3. Configure proxy in the application.
How does Auto Update Work?   
Whenever a new update is available, the patch is downloaded and the users are notified via email. If the HotSwap option is enabled, minor patch updates are applied automatically without application restart. However, these updates are temporary because they will be removed when the application is restarted. To apply the patches permanently, click the Update and Restart button on the Auto Update configuration page. 

Configure Auto Update     

  1. Go to Admin > General Settings > Auto Update.
  2. Enable Emergency Mitigation to check for patch updates periodically. Whenever an update is available, the Update and Restart button will be displayed.
  3. Under Settings, enable HotSwap. This option auto-applies minor patch updates temporarily without application restart.
    1. Select users to send the auto-update notification. The Users field lists technicians with SDAdmin role.
      1. The selected users are notified of the following scenarios:
      2. New version available
      3. HotSwap success
      4. Restart for upgrade
      5. Patch restart reminder
      6. Upgrade success notification
      7. HotSwap changes lost due to restart

You can view the detailed status update of patches under Patch Details.

To view the changes in the Auto Update configurations, click View History on the top-right of the page.
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