Add a License Agreement

Add a License Agreement

Software License Agreement is a contract between the software vendor and the purchaser. AssetExplorer allows you to add and link license agreements to software licenses in the database.

Role Required: SDAdmin, Technicians with Complete Access to Assets.

To add a new license agreement,
  1. Go to Software > License Agreements.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Use the pointers below to provide the agreement details.
Choose the manufacturer from the drop-down.

To create a new manufacturer, click beside the drop-down. Enter the manufacturer's name and description, then click Add.
Agreement Number*
Provide the agreement number.
Authorization Number
Provide the authorization number.
Give a brief description of the agreement.
Active From*
Provide the activation and expiry date of the agreement in the specified format.
Expiry Date
Vendor Name
Provide the vendor name.
Terms of Agreement
Briefly describe the terms of the agreement.
*Mandatory Fields
  1. Use the pointers below to provide the purchase and invoice details.
PO Number
Provide the purchase order number.
PO Name
Provide the purchase order name.
Purchase Date
Enter the purchase date in the given format.
Give a brief description of the purchase order.
Invoice Number
Provide the invoice number.
Invoice Date
Enter the invoice date in the given format.
Total Cost
Enter the purchase cost.
  1. Associate licenses to the agreement:
    1. To associate an existing license from the selected manufacturer, click Associate Existing Licenses, select your preferred licenses, and click Associate to agreement.
    2. To add a new license and associate it with the agreement, click Add new licenses and associate, choose the Software, License Type, license Option, Installation(s) Allowed, License Key, and Cost. click Associate to agreement after filling in the details.
  2. Configure Agreement Expiry Notification: Select the users to whom notifications must be sent when the license expires using the combo box and select the number of days before which the notification must be sent.
  3. Finally, click Save.

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